December 13, 2013

Foster Care

Sometimes families need to take advantage of foster care services

Starlight Pediatrics

Starlight Pediatrics (formerly called Foster Care Pediatrics) provides comprehensive primary pediatric health care to children from birth through 21 years residing in family foster care or supervised independent living in Monroe County and children on trial discharge from foster care.  Services provided include preventive health care, management of chronic illness, acute care, adolescent health care, developmental screening and assessment, mental health screening, assessment and treatment, immunization administration, WIC re-certification, management of psychotropic medications, and consultation with child welfare around health issues for children in foster care.

Address:  451 E Henrietta Rd, Rochester, NY 14620
Phone:  (585) 753-5927
Fax:  (585) 753-5181

Mount Hope Family Center 

The Mount Hope Family Center is a nationally recognized institute that has pioneered a community-supported, complete family approach to treatment and prevention.  Mt. Hope Preventive Programs provide resources parents and children need to build strong, healthy family and peer relationships.  Children and families serviced at the Center have faced difficult circumstances, such as violence, maltreatment, loss, trauma, poverty, and drug and alcohol abuse.  Additionally, services are provided for children who are currently in foster care and those who are at risk for foster care placement.  The Center provides Child-Parent Psychotherapy Program (CPP), Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression (IPT), Child Therapy, PATHS Club After School Program, Summer Camp Program, Parenting Skills Group, and Building Healthy Children.

Address: 187 Edinburgh Street, Rochester, New York 14608
Phone:  (585) 275-2991
Fax:  (585) 454-2972

Hillside Family of Agencies

The Adoption Resource Network at Hillside Children’s Center (ARN) provides opportunities for youth and families to learn about pre or post adoption resources through quality educational programs, referrals to medical, mental health and other service providers. Advocacy and other support services are also available. Services include annual conference, training seminars, social events, adoption advocacy, birth parent support network, and ASAP (Adoption Support & Preservation) pre and post adoptive parent support groups in Monroe, Erie and Niagara counties. Youth support groups also available. See website for more information.

HFA’s Integration Center: (585) 256-7500
Toll Free: 1 (888) 514-4455
Phone: (585) 256-7686
Fax: (585) 256-7555


Catholic Family Center

Catholic Family Center partners with people – especially the vulnerable and those facing poverty to help them achieve their full human potential. A division of the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rochester, CFC offers compassionate and comprehensive services to families and individuals in need across all stages of life.

Therapeutic Foster Care
Therapeutic Foster Care provides a substitute family life experience for a child at a time of crisis or need in their life.

Refugee Foster Care
Catholic Family Center specializes in foster care services for young people from around the world whose lives have been torn apart by war and oppression.

CFC’s Adoption program provides home studies and post-placement services for international and older/special needs adoptions. Catholic Family Center is also a placement agency for domestic infant adoptions.

Address:   87 N. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
Phone:  (585) 546-7220
Compliance Hotline Number:  (585) 234-0408


North American Family Institute

The North American Family Institute, or NAFI/NFI was established in 1974 as a private nonprofit human service agency specializing in community-based care for children, youth, and adults with emotional and/or behavioral problems. NAFI/NFI services are spread across four corporations and four additional regions spanning the length of the country’s East Coast. The agency is built upon a unique central philosophy known as the Normative Community Approach, which emphasizes the ability of all people to achieve positive change when they are members of a community that is united by it’s mission and purpose. NAFI/NFI programs are united by the central mission: Creating Diverse and Innovative Services for People.


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