August 12, 2013

Obesity Resources

Healthy diet and lifestyle resources to prevent obesity in children of all ages

NICHQ Childhood Obesity Tools

The National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) and the teams from NICHQ’s Learning Collaborative “Healthy Care for Healthy Kids: a Collaborative to Prevent, Identify and Manage Childhood Overweight,” sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield MA, have developed a toolkit to assist clinicians in providing quality care for children who are at risk for overweight, or overweight. This toolkit provides basics tools for primary care practice teams to deliver coordinated, integrated, and multidisciplinary services to both prevent overweight and improve care for children who are already overweight or at risk for overweight.


Greater Rochester Health Foundation

The mission of Greater Rochester Health Foundation is to improve the health status of all residents of the Greater Rochester community including people whose unique healthcare needs have not been met because of race, ethnicity or income. GRHF will be good stewards of this valued community asset and will engage diverse populations and organizations in the fulfillment of our mission.


Healthi Kids

A community-based coalition advocating for five policy and practice changes:

  1. Better school food, community standards
    Eliminating the availability of school foods that compete with the national school breakfast and lunch program, and mandating the development and execution of nutritional standards so all food available on school campuses is consistent with a set of community standards.
  2. Safer, more accessible play areas
    Improving the safety of, and access to, recreational facilities, bike trails, parks and green spaces, while expanding after-hour access to schools and promoting safe play.
  3. Healthier food standards at pre-school and childcare centers
    Developing and implementing nutrition standards for pre-schools, childcare centers and school-age childcare programs. Available food and drinks must comply with Dietary Guidelines for Americans or equivalent community standards.
  4. At least 45 minutes of in-school physical activity
    Requiring schools to provide a minimum of 45 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity within the school day for K-12 grade students.
  5. Policies that support breastfeeding
    Creating policies that are supportive of breastfeeding throughout the Greater Rochester community. Breastfed babies are more likely to become healthy-weight children.

Healthikids is an initiative through Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency.



Foodlink is the Feeding America regional food bank, which rescues and redistributes more than 13 million pounds of food annually to a network of 450 member agencies in a 10-county service area: Allegany, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates Counties. Foodlink’s mission is to provide hunger relief, eliminate the root causes of hunger, improve health, and promote economic development. They accomplish this through the distribution of food to a network of agencies and by empowering individuals through nutritional and agricultural programs.

Address: 1999 Mt. Read Blvd, Rochester, NY 14615

Phone:  (585) 328-3380
Fax:  (585) 328-9951
Agency Fax:  (585) 464-0497

100 Days of Real Food

A Blog of healthy recipes and articles centered around changing family eating habits toward less process foods. With helpful information on making healthier meals for the entire family with a focus on preparing meals for children. This website can be a useful resource for families looking toward changing eating habits or reading more from a non-clinical perspective on healthy eating and meal planning.


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