July 2, 2015

Summer Meals 2016


Summer Meals Program 2016

Summer Meals are back! This program offers kids and teens ages 18 and under fresh, healthy, and FREE meals while they are on summer recess. Summer Meals is a collaboration with the City of Rochester, Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency, Foodlink, the Rochester Area Community Foundation, and the Rochester City School District.

Summer Meals can be found at Rec Centers, schools, churches, neighborhood programs, or other places kids spend the summer. There is NO REGISTRATION required.

Find a Summer Meals site with the interactive map or online list. You can also dial 2-1-1 for assistance in finding a site near you.

View a sample menu.

Questions? Check out Summer Meals FAQ.

Share with your friends!  Download Summer Meals resources –  available in English and Spanish!

Want to become a Summer Meals site?  Check out the steps here!

Summer Meals Website: http://www.summermealsroc.org

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