December 28, 2012


Educational resources for high-school students

RCSD Secondary School

For more details and guidance on the registration process, check out the “Rochester Secondary School” section of our KidsThrive585 Rochester City School District page.

The School of the Holy Childhood

The School of the Holy Childhood is a non-denominational, non-profit agency that prepares children and adults with developmental disabilities for maximum independence and integration in the community through individualized programs and services. The School of the Holy Childhood offers comprehensive and therapeutic services to children ages five to twenty-one in their School Program.  Also, the Jimmy W. Wilmot Adult Day Training Program provides vocational training and sheltered employment for adults with developmental disabilities.  The Health Center offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services including occupational therapy and speech language pathology to both the student and adult population of Holy Childhood.

Address: 100 Groton Parkway, Rochester, NY 14623
Phone:  (585) 359-3710
Fax:  (585) 359-3722


Hillside Family of Agencies

Hillside Family of Agencies (HFA) is a leading provider of child welfare, mental health, youth development, juvenile justice, adoption, special education, safety net and developmental disabilities services to children and families across Central and Western New York and Maryland.  HFA is family focused, providing a myriad of services in community, school-based, residential settings serving children and young adults (from birth to age 26) and families with special needs such as mental health, behavioral, educational, or developmental challenges.  Unique programs are designed for runaway/homeless teens and families or individuals looking for adoption support or to put a child up for adoption.   The Hillside Integration Center – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, provides direct access to all services, youth and parent support, crisis counseling, and is the general Hillside “help desk.” American Sign Language (limited), Spanish, and access to all language services are available at (585) 256-7500.

Address: 1183 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14620
HFA’s Integration Center: (585) 256-7500
Toll Free:  1 (888) 514-4455

Main Phone: (585) 256-7686
Fax: (585) 256-7555

Hillside Education and Day Treatment Services

Hillside Education and Day Treatment Services are available for children and young adults ages 3-21 who are experiencing school related or family struggles. Those services include: 

Phone: HFA’s Integration Center: (585) 256-7500
Toll Free:  1 (888) 514-4455
Fax:  (585) 256-7510

Family Resource Centers of Hillside Children’s Center

The Family Resource Centers of Crestwood Children’s Center is an organization that works to foster the development of young children and inspire the growth of parents as their child’s most valuable teacher.  Among other services for families, the Family Resource Centers of Crestwood offer toddler and preschool early childhood education sessions and a pre-kindergarten program.

The Family Place: 426 Lyell Ave 14606 (585) 719-2000
Peter Castle Family Resource Center: 555 Avenue D 14621 (585) 467-8130
Southwest Family Resource Center: 89 Genesee 14611 (585) 436-0370

Phone: (585) 436-0370 x301
Fax: (585) 436-0482


Lakeside Child & Family Center (LCFC)

LCFC offers non-profit daycare for children 6 weeks old to 10 years old and Universal Pre-K program through the Rochester city School District. LCFC also offers onsite speech, hearing and vision evaluations and services  and Early Intervention referrals.  LCFC serves the Charlotte area of Rochester.

Address:  75 Stutson Street, Rochester NY 14612
Phone:  (585) 663-3670
Fax:  (585) 621-1709


Mary Cariola Children’s Center

Mary Cariola Children’s Center is a local, private, non-profit agency serving children and families in Monroe County, New York and surrounding areas.  The center provides the highest quality individualized services for children age from 3 to 21 with mental retardation, physical disability, complex behavior management needs including those with a autism spectrum diagnosis.  The Center is dedicated to excellence in family-centered, educational, residential, therapeutic and community support services and to developing program initiatives for emerging populations of children with special needs. Mary Cariola provides a Preschool program, School Age Program, and Residential Program.

Address: 1000 Elmwood Ave., Suite 100, Rochester, NY 14620
Phone:  (585) 271-2897 x 1461 or (585) 271-0761 for operator
Fax:  (585) 442-3143


Rochester School for the Deaf (RSD)

Rochester School for the Deaf is one of America’s premier schools specializing in the education of children with hearing loss.  Approximately130 students from Western and Central New York State, covering 45 school districts in 10 counties, attend RSD’s infant, preschool, elementary, middle, high school and residential treatment facility programs.  Additionally, RSD provides an after school program for students from RSD and other schools, a supported employment program for adults with hearing loss, sign language classes, workshops and public events including 5K River Ramble and the Adventures in Education Program.

Address: 1545 St. Paul Street, Rochester, NY 14621
Phone: (585) 336-5854
V/TTY: (585) 544-1240
Fax: (585) 336-5880
Online directions:–directions

Boys & Girls Club of Rochester

Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester provides youth development programs that enable young people to acquire the skills and qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders. Empowered with these positive developmental experiences and opportunities, Boys & Girls Club members have continually demonstrated their ability to overcome negative, failure-oriented environments and move toward fulfilling their dreams. The Boys & Girls Club is a dedicated youth facility – an actual neighborhood-based building – designed solely for youth programs and activities. The Club is open every day after school and on Saturdays, when kids have free time and need positive, productive outlets. Every Club has full-time, trained youth development professionals, providing positive role models and mentors. Volunteers provide key supplementary support. Clubs reach out to kids ages 6-18 who cannot afford, or may lack access to, other community programs. Dues are only $11 per year. ($50 during summer months)

Main Location:  500 Genesee Street, Rochester, NY 14611

Satellite Locations:
Rochester City School 29
Industry Residential Center in Rush, NY

Phone:  (585) 328-3077 ext.103
Fax:  (585) 328-5863

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